Health experst top adult acne treatments

« ...If however you are very sure that your condition is adult acne, you might want to visit your local drug store and and try some over the counter treatment. There are some many options available so a little research wouldn't hurt you one bit. Talk to friends, search the Internet for information. The truth you have to know is that you would find an intimidating amount of information that you would have to sort through. The final decision would have to be yours....
...As for your diet, it is highly recommended to tone down on refined fats and sugar. Your intake of fruits and vegetables should be increased as well. What's more, you should increase your intake of zinc and other helpful vitamins and minerals. For more information on the vitamins and minerals that you should take, consult your dermatologist so that you can increase your intake of these....»
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«... Apply a bit toothpaste over the area at night. The toothpaste should be left on the skin overnight. The toothpaste can be wash away in the morning during normal cleansing....»
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tags: what dermatologists say about acne, acne medication for african american skin, food that causes acne pimples