Natural products for acne

« ...There are many misconceptions and myths about acne....
...Chemical peels generally used to lessen the irregular pigment, superficial scars, and sun-damaged skin. The skin regains its quality after the removal of top layer of the skin and it regenerates. Your skin can glow again after this treatment and you can go out anytime without any tension in mind....»
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«...In addition to reversing abnormal keratinization, there is evidence that the topical retinoids may have some anti-inflammatory properties. Both adapalene (Differin®) and tretinoin have been shown to do this in different experiments. Because Retin-A has been on the market for more than 25 years, patients will frequently come in and say, "I've already used tretinoin; it didn't work." For many physicians, their first inclination is to try something else. My favorite therapy is a topical retinoid used in conjunction with a combination of benzoyl peroxide and erythromycin. ...»
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tags: how to treat acne during pregnancy, treatments for cystic acne, why does my skin peel after acne wash